
The examples shown here appear in the 2019 article by Murray, Chandrasekaran, and Wierman, titled Signomial and Polynomial Optimization via Relative Entropy and Partial Dualization. That paper introduced conditional SAGE certificates.

We provide two examples each for signomial and polynomial optimization. The examples are chosen to highlight key structures which SAGE relaxations can exploit. Throughout, we use the abbreviations “SP” for “signomial program” and “POP” for “polynomial optimization problem.”

Signomal optimization

The signomial examples emphasize that thinking of problems in terms of exponential functions is only half the picture.

Nonconvex objectives

Suppose we want to solve a constrained signomial program in three variables.

\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} \min_{x \in \mathbb{R}^3} &~ f(x) \doteq 0.5 \exp(x_1 - x_2) -\exp x_1 - 5 \exp(-x_2) \\ \text{s.t.} &~ g_1(x) \doteq 100 - \exp(x_2 - x_3) -\exp x_2 - 0.05 \exp(x_1 + x_3) \geq 0\\ &~ g_{2:4}(x) \doteq \exp(x) - (70,\,1,\, 0.5) \geq (0, 0, 0) \\ &~ g_{5:7}(x) \doteq (150,\,30,\,21) - \exp(x) \geq (0, 0, 0) \end{align*}\end{split}\]

It’s often easier to specify a signomial program by defining symbols y, which are related to variables x by y = exp(x). You can get a hold of these symbols y by using the function sageopt.standard_sig_monomials(), and providing a dimension of your desired variable.

import sageopt as so
y = so.standard_sig_monomials(3)
f = 0.5 * y[0] / y[1] - y[0] - 5 / y[1]
gts = [100 -  y[1] / y[2] - y[1] - 0.05 * y[0] * y[2],
       y[0] - 70,
       y[1] - 1,
       y[2] - 0.5,
       150 - y[0],
       30 - y[1],
       21 - y[2]]
eqs = []

Next we will pass our problem through a function called sageopt.infer_domain(). This function parses the given constraint signomials, and infers any which can be written in a tractable convex form with respect to the optimization variable x.

X = so.infer_domain(f, gts, eqs)

For this problem, it just so happens that all constraints can be written in a convex form. Taking this as given, we use sageopt.sig_relaxation() to generate the convex relaxation; upon solving the convex relaxation, we attempt solution recovery by calling sageopt.sig_solrec().

prob = so.sig_relaxation(f, X)
solutions = so.sig_solrec(prob)
x_star = solutions[0]
print(x_star)  # array([ 5.01063528,  3.40119512, -0.04108275])

Now let’s see if this solution is any good!

print("The recovered solution has objective value ...")
print('\t' + str(f(x_star)))  # about -147.66666
print("The recovered solution has constraint violation ...")
constraint_levels = min([g(x_star) for g in gts])
violation = 0 if constraint_levels >= 0 else -constraint_levels
print('\t' + str(violation))  # zero!
print('The level 0 SAGE bound is ... ')
print('\t' + str(prob.value))  # about -147.857

The recovered solution is actually much closer to optimality than the basic SAGE bound would suggest. We can actually use the same convenience function sageopt.sig_relaxation() to construct a stronger convex relaxation. By passing in a complexity parameter ell=3, we see that the original recovered solution was essentially optimal.

lifted_prob = so.sig_relaxation(f, X, ell=3)
print('The level 3 SAGE bound is ... ')
print('\t' + str(lifted_prob.value))  # about  -147.6666

Nonconvex constraints

The mathematics of SAGE relaxations and signomial optimization is really best understood by thinking in terms of exponential functions over variables \(x \in \mathbb{R}^n\). However as the previous example suggested, we can also think of optimization problems as being defined over positive variables \(y\) with \(y_i = \exp x_i\). We call such problems geometric-form signomial programs.

Geometric-form signomial programs are more common from a modeling perspective, because they keep notation compact, and the variables have more direct physical meaning. The following problem is a geometric-form signomial program arising from structural engineering design.

\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} \min_{\substack{A \in \mathbb{R}^3_{++} \\ P \in \mathbb{R}_{++} }} &~ 10^4 (A_1 + A_2 + A_3) \\ \text{s.t.} &~ 10^4 + 0.01 A_1^{-1}A_3^{} - 7.0711 A_1^{-1} \geq 0 \\ &~ 10^4 + 0.00854 A_1^{-1}P - 0.60385(A_1^{-1} + A_2^{-1}) \geq 0 \\ &~ 70.7107 A_1^{-1} - A_1^{-1}P - A_{3}^{-1}P = 0 \\ &~ 10^4 \geq 10^4 A_1 \geq 10^{-4} \qquad 10^4 \geq 10^4 A_2 \geq 7.0711 \\ &~ 10^4 \geq 10^4 A_3 \geq 10^{-4} \qquad 10^4 \geq 10^4 P_{~} \geq 10^{-4} \end{align*}\end{split}\]

It’s straightforward to compute a tight bound on the problem’s optimal objective using Sageopt, however the equality constraint makes solution recovery default. Thus we show this problem in two forms: once with the equality constraint, and once where the inequality constraint is used to define a value of \(P\) (which we can then substitute into the rest of the formulation). First we show the case with the equality constraint.

import sageopt as so
x = so.standard_sig_monomials(4)
A = x[:3]
P = x[3]
f = 1e4 * sum(A)
main_gts = [
    1e4 + 1e-2 * A[2] / A[0] - 7.0711 / A[0],
    1e4  + 8.54e-3 * P/ A[0] - 6.0385e-1 * (1.0 / A[0] + 1.0 / A[1])
bounds = [
    1e4 - 1e4 * A[0], 1e4 * A[0] - 1e-4,
    1e4 - 1e4 * A[1], 1e4 * A[1] - 7.0711,
    1e4 - 1e4 * A[2], 1e4 * A[2] - 1e-4,
    1e4 - 1e4 * P, 1e4 * P - 1e-4
gts = main_gts + bounds
eqs = [70.7107 / A[0] + P / A[0] - P / A[2]]
X = so.infer_domain(f, bounds, [])
prob = so.sig_constrained_relaxation(f, main_gts, eqs, X)

The equality constraint in this problem creates an unnecessary challenge in solution recovery. Since we usually want to recover optimal solutions, we reformulate the problem by substituting \(P \leftarrow 70.7107 A_3 / (A_1 + A_3)\), and clearing the denominator \((A_1 + A_3)\) from constraints which involved \(P\).

A = so.standard_sig_monomials(3)
f = 1e4 * sum(A)
main_gts = [
    1e4 + 1e-2 * A[2] / A[0] - 7.0711 / A[0],
    1e4 * (A[2] + A[0]) + 8.54e-3 * (70.7012 * A[2] * (A[0] + A[2])) / A[0]
        - 6.0385e-1 * (A[0] + A[2]) * (1.0 / A[0] + 1.0 / A[1])
bounds = [
    1e4 - 1e4 * A[0], 1e4 * A[0] - 1e-4,
    1e4 - 1e4 * A[1], 1e4 * A[1] - 7.0711,
    1e4 - 1e4 * A[2], 1e4 * A[2] - 1e-4,
    A[0] - 69.7107 * A[2], (1e8 * 70.7107 - 1) - A[0] / A[2]
gts = main_gts + bounds
X = so.infer_domain(f, gts, [])
prob = so.sig_constrained_relaxation(f, main_gts, [], X)
solns = so.sig_solrec(prob)
log_A_opt = solns[0]
# Now, we recover the geometric-form variables.
A_opt = np.exp(log_A_opt)
P_opt = 70.7107 * A_opt[2] / (A_opt[0] + A_opt[2])

Polynomial optimization

Constraint symmetry

In this example, we minimize

\[f(x) = -64 \sum_{i=1}^7 \prod_{j \neq i} x_j\]

over \(x \in [-1/2, 1/2]^7\). Notice how if constraints are satisfied for a given value of \(x\), then they will also be satisfied by another solution \(\hat{x}\) obtained by initializing \(\hat{x} \leftarrow x\) and then updating \(\hat{x}_i = -x_i\) for any index \(i\). We say that such constraints are sign-symmetric.

Sign-symmetric constraints are one thing Sageopt can handle quite well.

import numpy as np
import sageopt as so
x = so.standard_poly_monomials(7)
f = 0
for i in range(7):
    sel = np.ones(7, dtype=bool)
    sel[i] = False
    f -= 64 * np.prod(x[sel])
    # ^ use simple NumPy functions to construct Polynomials!
gts = [0.25 - x[i]**2 for i in range(7)]  # -.5 <= x[i] <= .5
X = so.infer_domain(f, gts, [])
prob = so.poly_constrained_relaxation(f, [], [], X)
prob.solve(verbose=False, solver='MOSEK')
solns = so.poly_solrec(prob)
for sol in solns:

You can also try this example with ECOS. When using ECOS, you might want to use local solver refinement, as accessed in sageopt.local_refine().

Nonnegative variables

We want to solve a degree six polynomial optimization problem in six nonnegative variables.

\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} \min_{x \in \mathbb{R}^6} &~ f(x) \doteq x_1^6 - x_2^6 + x_3^6 - x_4^6 + x_5^6 - x_6^6 + x_1 - x_2 \\ \text{s.t.} &~ g_1(x) \doteq 2 x_{1}^{6}+3 x_{2}^{2}+2 x_{1} x_{2}+2 x_{3}^{6}+3 x_{4}^{2}+2 x_{3} x_{4}+2 x_{5}^{6}+3 x_{6}^{2}+2 x_{5} x_{6} \geq 0 \\ &~ g_2(x) \doteq 2 x_{1}^{2}+5 x_{2}^{2}+3 x_{1} x_{2}+2 x_{3}^{2}+5 x_{4}^{2}+3 x_{3} x_{4}+2 x_{5}^{2}+5 x_{6}^{2}+3 x_{5} x_{6} \geq 0 \\ &~ g_3(x) \doteq 3 x_{1}^{2}+2 x_{2}^{2}-4 x_{1} x_{2}+3 x_{3}^{2}+2 x_{4}^{2}-4 x_{3} x_{4}+3 x_{5}^{2}+2 x_{6}^{2}-4 x_{5} x_{6} \geq 0 \\ &~ g_4(x) \doteq x_{1}^{2}+6 x_{2}^{2}-4 x_{1} x_{2}+x_{3}^{2}+6 x_{4}^{2}-4 x_{3} x_{4}+x_{5}^{2}+6 x_{6}^{2}-4 x_{5} x_{6} \geq 0 \\ &~ g_5(x) \doteq x_{1}^{2}+4 x_{2}^{6}-3 x_{1} x_{2}+x_{3}^{2}+4 x_{4}^{6}-3 x_{3} x_{4}+x_{5}^{2}+4 x_{6}^{6}-3 x_{5} x_{6} \geq 0 \\ &~ g_{6:10}(x) \doteq 1 - g_{1:5}(x) \geq (0, 0, 0, 0, 0) \\ &~ g_{11:16}(x) = x \geq (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) \end{align*}\end{split}\]

The sageopt approach to this problem is to write it first as a geometric-form signomial program, and then perform solution recovery with consideration to the underlying polynomial structure. The solution recovery starts with sageopt.sig_solrec() as normal, but then we refine the solution with a special function sageopt.local_refine_polys_from_sigs().

import sageopt as so

x = so.standard_sig_monomials(6)
f = x[0]**6 - x[1]**6 + x[2]**6 - x[3]**6 + x[4]**6 - x[5]**6 + x[0] - x[1]

expr1 = 2*x[0]**6 + 3*x[1]**2 + 2*x[0]*x[1] + 2*x[2]**6 + 3*x[3]**2 + 2*x[2]*x[3] + 2*x[4]**6 + 3*x[5]**2 + 2*x[4]*x[5]
expr2 = 2*x[0]**2 + 5*x[1]**2 + 3*x[0]*x[1] + 2*x[2]**2 + 5*x[3]**2 + 3*x[2]*x[3] + 2*x[4]**2 + 5*x[5]**2 + 3*x[4]*x[5]
expr3 = 3*x[0]**2 + 2*x[1]**2 - 4*x[0]*x[1] + 3*x[2]**2 + 2*x[3]**2 - 4*x[2]*x[3] + 3*x[4]**2 + 2*x[5]**2 - 4*x[4]*x[5]

expr4 = x[0]**2 + 6*x[1]**2 - 4*x[0]*x[1] + x[2]**2 + 6*x[3]**2 - 4*x[2]*x[3] + x[4]**2 + 6*x[5]**2 - 4*x[4]*x[5]
expr5 = x[0]**2 + 6*x[1]**2 - 4*x[0]*x[1] + x[2]**2 + 6*x[3]**2 - 4*x[2]*x[3] + x[4]**2 + 6*x[5]**2 - 4*x[4]*x[5]

gts = [expr3, expr4, expr5, 1 - expr1, 1 - expr2, 1 - expr3, 1 - expr4, 1 - expr5]
eqs = []

prob = so.sig_constrained_relaxation(f, gts, eqs, p=1, q=1, ell=0)
prob.solve(verbose=False, solver='MOSEK')  # ECOS fails
z0 = so.sig_solrec(prob)[0]
x_star = so.local_refine_polys_from_sigs(f, gts, eqs, z0)

f_poly = f.as_polynomial()

Certifying nonnegativity

Although sageopt is designed around optimization, the mechanism by which sageopt operates is to certify nonnegativity by decomposing a given function into a “Sum of AGE-functions”. These AGE functions are nonnegative, and can be proven nonnegative in a relatively simple way. If you want to check nonnegativity of the AGE functions yourself (you might find yourself in this situation if a numerical solver seemed to struggle with a SAGE relaxation), then you can do that. Here we show how to get a hold on these AGE functions, from a given SAGE relaxation.

Local nonnegativity

Consider the following optimization problem:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} \min_{x \in \mathbb{R}^3} &~ f(x) \doteq 0.5 \exp(x_1 - x_2) -\exp x_1 - 5 \exp(-x_2) \\ \text{s.t.} &~ g_1(x) \doteq 100 - \exp(x_2 - x_3) -\exp x_2 - 0.05 \exp(x_1 + x_3) \geq 0\\ &~ g_{2:4}(x) \doteq \exp(x) - (70,\,1,\, 0.5) \geq (0, 0, 0) \\ &~ g_{5:7}(x) \doteq (150,\,30,\,21) - \exp(x) \geq (0, 0, 0) \end{align*}\end{split}\]

We can produce a bound on this minimum with a primal SAGE relaxation.

import sageopt as so
y = so.standard_sig_monomials(3)
f = 0.5 * y[0] / y[1] - y[0] - 5 / y[1]
gts = [100 -  y[1] / y[2] - y[1] - 0.05 * y[0] * y[2],
       y[0] - 70, y[1] - 1, y[2] - 0.5,
       150 - y[0], 30 - y[1], 21 - y[2]]
X = so.infer_domain(f, gts, [])
prim = so.sig_relaxation(f, form='primal', ell=0, X=X)
print(prim.value)  # about -147.857

As long as the solver (here, ECOS) succeeds in solving the problem, the function f - prim.value should be nonnegative over the set represented by X. The intended proof that f - prim.value is nonnegative comes from the AGE functions participating in its decomposition. We can recover those functions as follows

sage_constraint = prim.user_cons[0]  # a PrimalSageCone object
alpha = sagecon.alpha
agefunctions = []
for ci in sagecon.age_vectors.values():
    s = so.Signomial(alpha, ci.value)

You should find that one of these AGE functions has very small positive coefficients, and a large negative term. We can investigate this suspicious AGE function further. Specifically, we can transform the suspicious AGE function into a convex function, and then solve a constrained convex optimization problem using a function from scipy.

suspicious_age = agefunctions[1]
convexified_suspicious_age = y[1] * suspicious_age
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fmin_cobyla
def sample_initial_point():
    y1 = 70 + 80 * np.random.rand()
    y2 = 1 + 29 * np.random.rand()
    y3 = 0.5 + 20.5 * np.random.rand()
    x0 = np.log([y1, y2, y3])
    return x0
            sample_initial_point(), gts,
            disp=1, maxfun=1e5, rhoend=1e-7)

You should find that no matter how many initial conditions you provide to scipy’s solver, the reported optimal objective is nonnegative.

GPKit modeling

Sageopt can parse signomial data from a GPKit optimization model. The following example builds a signomial programming model in GPKit, parses that model to find sageopt data (objective function and constraint functions), solves the sageopt model, and then recovers the solution in a form expected by GPKit.

import sageopt as so
import numpy as np
from sageopt.interop.gpkit import gpkit_model_to_sageopt_model
from gpkit import Variable, Model, SignomialsEnabled
from gpkit.constraints.sigeq import SingleSignomialEquality
# Build GPKit model
x = Variable('x')
y = Variable('y')
with SignomialsEnabled():
    constraints = [0.2 <= x, x <= 0.95, SingleSignomialEquality(x + y, 1)]
gpkm = Model(x*y, constraints)
#   Recover data for the sageopt model
som = gpkit_model_to_sageopt_model(gpkm)  # a dict
sp_eqs, gp_gts = som['sp_eqs'], som['gp_gts']
f = som['f']
X = so.infer_domain(f, gp_gts, [])
prob = so.sig_constrained_relaxation(f, gp_gts, sp_eqs, X,  p=1)
#   Solve and recover solution
prob.solve(solver='ECOS', verbose=False)
soln = so.sig_solrec(prob)[0]
geo_soln = np.exp(soln)
vkmap = som['vkmap']
x_val = geo_soln[vkmap[x.key]]
y_val = geo_soln[vkmap[y.key]]

The public release of sageopt applies to GPKit versions < 1.0; sageopt’s GitHub repository contains a branch to handle GPKit 1.0 and higher.